So my

last post was in Feb. not much to tell aft

er that because I was so tired I dont remember. Seriously. But now we actually have another boy in the house. On October 6th we welcomed Tyler Johan Carlson into our family. He looks just like Hans except he has red hair. My good friend Stacey and I went to the hospital the same day to be induced by the same DR. Our husbands kept texting each other with updates. They did not know what they were having. Ty was born first and then we got the text that we needed to pick out matching baseball uniforms, they had a boy too! Ty is a sweet baby and is finally sleeping for 3 hours at a time at night, that 2 hour thing was killer. All the girls just love him even Bella, they are three little mothering maulers. We are blessing him this weekend and all my family is coming.
Congrats Sare!! So excited that you finally had a boy! YAy! Love you!
Erin you got to sign your name so I know its you. When are you going to visit me?
Sare-when you invite me...weird how that works.!
seriously erin, i invite you all the time. It's an open invitation and has been for 10 years. silly girl
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