Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January Brrrr

January started out with lots of fun. New toys, new activities, and school. Women's basketball has started and I love it. It is now officially cold. But still no snow. THis last weekend I went on a scrapbook getaway to a cabin in Maryland. It was really fun and I got 25 pages done! While there someone emailed me a picture of my girls hair at church with the caption (so, gone for the weekend huh) Their hair was pretty sad but at least Hans tried. My brother Nate and his friends got tickets to the inaguration and so they braved the cold and the HUGE crowds and had a great time. Except Nate got the stomach flu thats not so fun. As soon as I learn how to get pics from my camera onto this computer I will do a blog about Christmas it was really fun. Now I get to start planning my friend trip to New York to see Lion King on Broadway! I can't wait.


~Silly me said...


Have you joined my blog yet?

McArthurs said...

Sara your little girls are so cute! I don't even think i've ever seen the 2 youngest before. Sad day. Well i'm glad i found your blog.